Machine Learning Reveals Patterns of REC Protein Domain Evolution-Bacteria can evolve by exchanging genetic material through a process called recombination. This study used machine learning models combined with functional laboratory experiments to show that after recombination, a bacterial signaling system changed and expanded its protein family, despite considerable selective pressures in place that constrained new modifications. News Article →
How Bacteria Adapt to Stress-Berkeley Lab researchers uncovered a distinctive adaptation that some bacteria use to quickly form protective communities called biofilms, which help them survive in adverse environments. The work could lead to better stewardship of areas with high levels of heavy metals, nutrients, or other forms of hazardous waste. News Article →
Jinwoo Im is ENIGMA’s Third BioEPIC Virtual Research Slam Presenter-With anticipated occupancy early 2025, Berkeley Lab’s newest building Biological and Environmental Program Integration Center (BioEPIC), is located in the beautiful Berkeley hills overlooking San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. As part of Berkeley Lab’s Earth Month celebrations, a Research SLAM was hosted by Biosciences (BSA)… News Article →
Multi-disciplinary research develops a deeper understanding of subsurface microbiology-ENIGMA is organized into three aims that reflect the different research scales (i.e., field level to molecular level) required to build a comprehensive picture of subsurface microbiology at the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR): Subsurface Observatory, Environmental Atlas, and Environmental Simulations. Several key research initiatives, described in this cross-aim… News Article →
Nuclear Waste Sites Yield Microbial Ecosystem Insights-In a flagship seven-year study, published this January in the journal Nature Microbiology, ENIGMA researchers explored how environmental stresses influence the composition and structure of microbial communities in the groundwater of the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR), a former nuclear waste disposal site. News Article →
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